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Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Apr 8, 2020
Dudley Knollys is a Girl?
Dudley Knollys was a girl. We've been fooled for hundreds of years by the forename.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Apr 8, 2020
The Marvelous Mistress Margaret: Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox
Lecture announcement - The Marvelous Mistress Margaret: Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Apr 8, 2020
New-found interest in the Marvelous Mistress Margaret!
Over 93 people showed up on a Thursday afternoon to listen to my two-hour lecture on the Marvelous Mistress Margaret, Countess of Lennox.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Apr 8, 2020
Talking Tudors Podcast
Talking Carey-Knollys clan with Talking Tudors podcast.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Apr 8, 2020
Greys Court - The Knollys Home
Greys Court was granted to the Knollys family in 1514 for the annual rent of one red rose to be delivered on Midsummer.

Kristin Bundesen, PhD
Apr 8, 2020
'So good a wife to me' - Anne Morgan Carey
On his deathbed, Henry Carey, Lord Hunsdon lamented that he could not leave Anne more money as she had been ‘so good a wife to me’.
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